
The History Of Black Diamond
As America fulfilled its dreams of Manifest Destiny, colonizing western United States and settling in
booming cities, greater exploration for resources was required. San Francisco during the late 1800's, one of the largest
cities on the American Pacific coast, required greater amounts of recourses; primarily coal, for its booming population
and growth. Coal was abundant north in the Washington territory, where coal resources stretched from Centralia
to Issaquah. Exploration for economical coal deposits began.
The Black Diamond Coal Mining Company from San
Francisco was a booming company, supplying much of San Francisco's coal needs. Their main coal source was Mount
Diablo, east of Oakland. However, the deposit was quickly taxed by 1870 and new sources needed to be found.
Coal was imported on grain ships from England and Australia (in the ship ballast), as well as British Columbia, where
cheap Chinese labor kept prices competitive. Eyes turned towards Washington territory, where abundant coal deposits
were observed throughout the area.
In the late 1870's, a prospecting party, lead by Victor Tull from the Black Diamond
Coal Mining Company, started exploration along the Green River. Low-grade surface coal deposits were earlier found
along this river system in the 1873, but transportation along with steep valley walls, thick brush and timber made low-grade
operations non-economical. The prospecting team in 1880 discovered a high-grade coal seam, later named the McKay coal
seam, near modern day Black Diamond. The Black Diamond Mining Company started to quietly purchase land in the area. Quietly
purchasing was necessary to keep the land cheap and to prevent a "rush" of independent miners into the area. This
was complicated by Washington territory law, which at the time limited the amount of land a mining company could own
as well as land purchasing from Northern Pacific railroad.
Rumors began to spring up in the Daily Chronicle, a Seattle newspaper,
about a mysterious California company with limitless capital preparing to mine coal along the Green river. The Black
Diamond Mining Company was successful in purchasing the land and made plans to exploit the coalfields. The Oregon
Improvement Co., a subsidiary of Northern Pacific railroads, started making plans to extend the railroad system into the
area. Henry Villard, of the Northern Pacific railroad also required coal for their operations and the mutual interest
at the time was beneficial to both parties. Oregon Improvement Company took over operations in the area.
He planned to extend the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad from Renton up the Cedar River to Black Diamond and beyond to Franklin.
Capital needed to be raised and Henry Villard solicited many Seattle businessmen for capital, but due to an economic downturn
in 1883, he was only able to raid $150,000 in subsidies.
Operations began in Black Diamond in January of 1882, with
the start of the Black Diamond mine No. 14. The railroad was not complete until December 12th of 1884, but commercial
production from Black Diamond began in March of 1885. The railroad allowed for heavy machinery to be brought in
from Seattle, used in commercial mining, and coal to be transported to the King Street Coal wharf. From there, it
was loaded onto a ship and sailed for San Francisco. By 1882, three coal hauling ships were in operation, making
five runs a month between the two cities. In April of 1885, with the availability of heavy machinery, expansion of
mining operations sprung up in Franklin, Ravensdale, Cedar Mountain and Lawson.
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