History Of AGHOST


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This is how it all got started

Hello, Everyone

It was my love for a good ghost story that started my desire to want to learn more about the spirits around us. For years, I collected books and videos about ghosts, wanting so much to see a real ghost for myself. But Seattle, Washington had nothing to offer a ghost hunter wanna be. Oh sure, Seattle has plenty of haunted places, but no one to show me the ropes or what to look for. So, it came to me. Someone needs to start a group for all the ghost lovers in the area and it happen to be ME. So thats how A.G.H.O.S.T. was born and, ironicly, it happened on OCT. 31st 2001. My idea was to form a group of fellow ghost lovers that would meet every other Sunday and go have some fun doing some real ghost hunting. Now, true, we dont know everything about ghost hunting. Thats why it's called Amateur Ghost Hunters. In this group we will all be learning together and having a haunting good time.


Ross N. Allison

President & founder

How I Got Involved With A.G.H.O.S.T.

My interest in the "unexplained" started at an early age. But my motivation to actually investigate this kind of stuff came about with an invitation to join A.G.H.O.S.T. I have always been very open-minded regarding my beliefs about the existance of ghosts. I welcome the opportunity to gather evidence during our investigations that substantiate our findings and justify my belief that we share our world with not only the present, but the past as well.


Patricia Woolard

Vice President