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Here You Will Find Photo's From Our Investigations

Click on the orbs & ecto to see the photo

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As you can see I had caught the bright orb in movement as it crossed the tombstone. My first orb pic


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Here are so great orbs around the tomestones

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You can see a moving orb in the sky


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You can see some orbs under the tree


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Taken before we entered the ship. ( no orb above )

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Check out the orb that shows up over the boat. These pics were taken seconds after each other.

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Some orbs that showed up in the kitchen area

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Taken at the one swing that kept setting off the EMF dector.

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orbs found on the beach where Diana has been seen walking.

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Could this be the apparition of Diana? Looks like a small child standing on the beach. Write to us

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Ecto taken at the site (35mm) Barbie


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A very large and very bright orb


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Here are some more bright orbs shooting by

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Lots of orbs, showed up here. while the group talked about what they felt was going on in the house.

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A dark form showed up in this photo while the EMF detector went off.

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More of the ecto between me and Tom

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A very nice large and bright orb

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here are some moving orbs

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Besides the ecto, Check out the strange red streams of light to the right those shouldn't be there



One of the oldest cemeterys in Salem, it was formed sometime after the witch trials. Sorry, I don't have that much information, however, some people believe that this is the actual site that was known as Gallows Hill, where those believed to be witches were hanged. Unfortunately, all I have are the orb photo's I took on a ghost tour called "HAUNTED FOOTSTEPS". You should check it out, if ever in Salem.



On foggy nights in the cemetery, you can see the swinging lights of a coal miner's lanterns. You can also sometimes hear whistling in the wind, supposedly that of the coal miners. It is reported that a white horse has sometimes been seen trotting around headstones.



The Silver Queen of the Puget Sound, they called her. It was Seattle's most popular ferry from the 30's to the 60's. She was a Ship ahead of her time that carried millions of passengers though the Puget Sound. ( more info on the investigations page. )

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Mist - check out the lower right hand corner. My first mist photo. I was very excited.



The ghost of a little girl named Diana is seen walking the beach and swinging on the beach at night every January 8th.

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Apparition picture enlarged. Tell us what you see.

Mountain View Cemetery


This is a very lovely cemetery that looks over the Auburn area. It is rumored to have a ghost that walks the street around fall and winter seasons.


Tumwater, WA.

These are photos take at a house that we believe is haunted. The owner has seen the ghost a number of times and we were able to get some on film.

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This almost looks like a transparent figure to the right.


Buckley, WA.

Heres A cemetery my vise president drives by alot. So she asked if  we could get a small group together to check it out.



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More orbs around the grave stones


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here are some small orbs

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Here is a tiny orb in the center under the tree


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As you can see there is a small orb moving by Marks head.


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large orb right above the cowboy hat. This was taken in the area they felt strong energy.

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Was taken right after sheets of metal fell on their own. As you can see there is an orb right where

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This statue was by the ship and one of our members (Chas) caught these great moving orbs.

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More orbs around the swing that set off the EMF dector

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More orbs around the active swing

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Could this be the swing Diana has been seen swinging on?

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More ecto found in the playgound area (35mm) Barbie


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A very bright trail of orbs


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Nice moving orbs

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Nice bright trail of orbs off the swing

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In this one you can see a figure ( shoulders neck and head )

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More of the ecto in the air

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Heres an orb among the tree

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Here you will find that a lot of orbs showed up in this one

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I happen to get this orb moving down the hall


Energy anomalies recorded at some haunted sites. Orbs are not visible to the naked eye but can be seen through infrared monitors and can be recorded on photographic film. When they show up, they appear to be luminosities that are round or diffuse, and even rectangular in shape. Detection and study of orbs has developed with the advent of high technology ghost investigation.

Orbs appear to be a form of energy of unknown origin. They are not stray light sources, insects or dust particles. They are not sufficiently strong enough to set off nay type of detection meters, nor do they have sufficient mass to set off infrared motion detectors. They seem to defy gravity and change directions, sometimes quickly. They twinkle. They react to the presence of people: they increase in number when people are present in a haunted location. They appear both indoors and outdoors. They cannot be explained by static discharge such as that which is created by walking on carpet, for they are recorded in buildings that have no carpet. Orbs are not the same as ghost lights, which are similar in shape and behavior, but which are much brighter and are visible to the naked eye.

From the book "Ghosts and Spirits", by Rosemary Ellen Guiley