Ghost Hunter's Diary


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Well, I hope you like all the new changes. I've been up late most nights trying to get everything just right, and for anyone that knows me, they know what a perfectionist I can be. (with the exception of my spelling J ). Again, I'm trying to develop a site that will get folks involved in what we do. So, by posting everything that we encounter and learn, I hope to show you how serious I am about all of this. I still have more ideas and will be getting them all up in due time. So be patient with me and you will be seeing us become one of the BEST ghost hunting sites out there.

Things have been really good for us. There have been lots of e-mails and connections for great things ahead. Our AGHOST picnic turn out really well. We had 11 members participate in addition to 6 possible new members in attendance as well. I made the meeting portion of the picnic very brief so we would have some time to relax and have some fun. There were a few there that felt it was sort of rushed... maybe it was.  I guess next year we'll have to start it earlier in the day. Some of the more exciting stuff happening for us includes  that we've been asked to do some more radio spots. It also looks like we may appear in another newspaper again. I guess the media can be fun, but I do get nervous sometimes. On the other side of things, there have been a few down falls this month too. One of our members had a mild that brought us down for a bit. Fortunately he's now doing fine, and he'll be back on track soon. Another disappointment was that one of our investigations got cancelled at the last minute... this was the "Avenue One" outing, and was cancelled due to the owner not feeling very well. We will be able to reschedule it at a later time for those of you who were looking forward to what we might find there.

I've been busy working on getting our ghost tour up and running. This is going to be really fun and I hope you will all get the chance to check it out. We are looking at Oct. 1st for our opening date. So let's all keep our fingers crossed and hope we dont run into any snags.

I tell ya, it's times like this when you realize that the days are just not long enough. So many reports to finish up... and lots to do on the tour. But I have found something that I truly enjoy. I can't believe how much my life has changed since I started this whole thing. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I'd be running a ghost hunting organization, and starting a ghost touring business, I'd say you were crazy... but look at me now. The one dream that I kept at the back burner has finally made it to the front. I just pray that the spirits guide me though this positive journey and help me to show others the passion behind all of this. I know there will be tougher times ahead and we may even run into a really mean skeptic that may make us feel really little... but I will do my best to remember that you are all behind me.

Well, this is the end to another page. I hope I don't bore you all to death with all of this. I haven't gotten any feed back to whether I should keep this part of the website up or not. Maybe its just a good way for me to vent when things get crazy. Feel free to let me know what you think!

Happy & Safe Hunting
