Report Forms


Investigation | Final Record | Tech | Observers | Psychic | Phenomena | Expedition | S.P.E.C.T.R.E. | Camera Log | Walkthrough | Manager's Log | EVP | Video

This report is filled out by the team lead heading the investigation


Instructions: Just right click on the image and go to "Save Target as" or "Save as" . Once you've saved the document named "AGHOST_Investigation_Report.doc" you can use this as a master template for all future needs.
You can now fill it out from your computer as a Word document and then either print it out or email it!
Don't forget to save it under a different name or you may overwrite the original document!
i.e. "Case 1234 Investigation report.doc"

All forms are copyrighted through A.G.H.O.S.T.